πŸ”©Best Alpha Infomation & Tools

To illustrate, here is a sample breakdown of the total investment you would need to get the best ALPHA information and some builder tools in the market currently:

Communi3 Labs

4000 Sol

Boogle Gen 1

1600 Sol


300 Sol


200 Sol

Taiyo Robotics

140 Sol

Okay Bears

100 Sol

Blocksmith Labs

70 Sol

Degenerate Ape Academy

52.50 Sol

Cets on Creck

50 Sol

Famous Fox Federation

40 Sol

Monkey Baby Business


OG Atadians

25 Sol

Trippin Ape Tribe

20 Sol


6,623.50 Sol ($222,682.07)

1 SOL = $33.62

Imagine getting all of this value in exchange for an investment in the collection

$180 for the genesis collection $1500 for the GEN-2 collection $10,000 for the GEN-3 collection

In addition to what has already been mentioned, we will also have a dedicated space for bringing the NFT COMMUNITY closer to mainstream adoption and real world application.

Last updated